
Lawyers rely on PrivateRaise to research transaction structures, compare terms and create deal documents.

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Whether representing companies, investors or bankers, PrivateRaise is a must-have for legal professionals.

Optimize Your Deal Structures

View over 15,000 in-depth placement profiles of PIPEs, 144As, reverse mergers and SPAC transactions. Using over 50 criteria, you can quickly find comparables and term sheets of recent deals to compare investment structures, terms and pricing. View hundreds of industry statistics tables and gain insight into recent trends in sectors, deal structures and more.

Custom League Tables for Law Firms

Use PrivateRaise PIPE Search and Analytics to create custom league tables, showing where your firm stacks up in each industry, deal type, market cap, etc. This unique marketing tool allows you to truly understand where your firm ranks by the criteria you are interested in. A powerful tool for business development teams while creating pitch books and conducting competitive analysis.

Find Prospective Clients

Use the PrivateRaise online directories to access profiles of over 28,000 industry professionals. Whether you’re looking to represent companies, investors or bankers, our directories will point you in the right direction. Get contact information and a complete history of investment preferences in a matter of minutes. You can see which companies, investors and bankers are represented by other law firms and identify which companies have previously structured submarket terms to make sure they have better representation for their next deal. Screen for PIPE candidates using a combination of over 40 data points to determine which companies need to raise capital.

Fine-Tune Your Legal Research

Whether you use our online tools or you rely on us to help conduct your deal research, we save you the time and expense of aggregating information. Quickly find comparables and view deal summaries without having to sift through hundreds of pages of SEC filings and legal documents. We make it easy and cost-effective.

PrivateRaise is by far my preferred tool. We use it for idea generation and benchmarking key features like conversion premiums and dividends in a quick manner. It’s much more user friendly; my go-to.
Investment Bank

News From The Deal

ESG Comp: An Easy A for CEOs?

In a new paper, academics Adam Badawi and Robert Bartlett find that 63% of the S&P 500 include ESG components in their calculation of executive compensation and that such goals are almost always met.

Popping the AI Hyperbole Bubble

In their new book 'AI Snake Oil,' Princeton professor Arvind Narayanan and former Facebook engineer Sayash Kapoor suggest that the use of AI in the workplace will be more evolutionary than revolutionary.